I am aware that statistics tend not to make much impact on the world, whereas stories have age-old power. As an enthusiastic and clear communicator, I have made a number of nature-based broadcasts with the BBC, produced my own YouTube video series called the Rewilding Diaries, and created audio and written stories.


Presenting and film-making

I continue to make a series of short films about rewilding people and places. My aim is to connect people to the nature and inspire them to be more adventurous. They are posted on my YouTube channel are linked through my Instagram too, where you’ll also find a lot more nature-based and adventure content. I was previously represented by The Soho Agency made a few online pieces and pilots about mapping, fishing and wildlife.


Audio stories

Inspired by a podcast called The Moth, I began hosting virtual storytelling events with friends during the first global coronavirus lockdown. We aim to tell stories, true as remembered by the storyteller, based on a theme. We hope to host live events in the Brighton area once world health permits. Here are a few choice examples:


Written stories

Here’s a selection. Click on the titles, have a read and enjoy: